Comprehension is the ability to understand.
Reading for comprehension/reading comprehension is the ability to read the text, process it and understand it’s meaning.
A comprehension question/task/work consists of a passage, upon which questions are set to test the student’s ability to understand the content of the passage.
There are some hints or clues to be observed when dealing with comprehension exercises. The following are the hints you should follow:-
1. Read the passage fairly quickly to get the general idea about the passage that is, it’s message and meaning in general.
2. Read the passage again, a little slow, paying attention to details such as understanding the meaning of the words used.
3. Study the questions asked. Then refer to the relevant section of the passage where the answers for the questions asked are found. Write the answers in your own words, neatly and precisely.
4. Use complete sentences in writing your answers.
5. If you are asked to give out the meaning of the words/phrases in the passage, you should explain the meaning clearly and precisely as possible in your own words. In case there is a word that is complex, define it according to the context in which the word has been used.
Prepared by:
Emily A Mwambola
Tel: 0757290816