Code 024/1

TIME: 3:00 Hours                                                       June 2021                                                               


·         This paper consists of section A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.

·         Answer all questions in section A and B and THREE (3) questions from section C of which question 7 and 8 are compulsory.

·         Section A carries FIFTEEN (15) marks, Section B forty (40) marks and section C carries FORTY FIVE (45) marks

·         Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in examination room.

·         Write your examination number on every page of your answer booklet(s).


SECTION A (15 marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.     For each of the item (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

                     i.        Which of the following imageries is responsible with taste?

A.   Olfactory image

B.    Kinaesthetic image

C.    Gustatory image   (        )

D.   Tactile image

E.    Visual image



                    ii.        A special room for performing a drama is called

A.   Hospital

B.    Dormitory

C.    Stage

D.   Theatre   (       )

E.    Laboratory

                  iii.        A repetition of similar consonant sounds at the beginning of a word in a poem is known as:

A.   Vowels

B.    Rhyme

C.    Alliteration

D.   Consonance   (        )

E.    Assonance

                   iv.        A male composer of a certain poem is called

A.   Persona

B.    Poetess

C.    Poet   (         )

D.   Artist

E.    Performer

                    v.        In what type of drama does the actions are controlled by the baroque music

A.   Monodrama

B.    Comedy

C.    Tragic drama   (       )

D.   Drama

E.    Melodrama

                   vi.        A feeling emotion and attitude of the speaker towards the subject matter is called:

A.   Mood

B.    Tone

C.    Form

D.   Diction   (       )

E.    Intonation

                 vii.        A character who does not change is known as

A.   Minor character

B.    Antagonist character

C.    Protagonist character

D.   Round character   (        )

E.    Flat character

               viii.        Which word is offensive and forbidden to be used?

A.   Sarcasm

B.    Slang

C.    Taboo

D.   Imagery   (        )

E.    Exaggeration





                  ix.        Trees cried throughout the night. This refers to which figures of speech?

A.   Irony

B.    Hyperbole

C.    Personification

D.   Suspension   (        )

E.    Euphemism

                    x.        One of the following features is an impact of science and technology in oral literature

A.   It created unity

B.    Separation of audience from the speaker

C.    Everyone enjoys

D.   It treats badly   (        )

E.    Less costly

2. Match the description in LIST A with the corresponding type of figure of speech in LIST B by writing the letter of the correct response beside response number in the answer paper provided.




     i.        I can’t talk because wall have ears

    ii.        One- eyed box

  iii.        Shame only belong to ignorant

   iv.        His face is like a lather piece.

    v.        You really mean to turn the whole world upside down.

        A.   Imagery

        B.    Personification

        C.    Simile

        D.   Proverbs

        E.    Oxymoron

        F.    Hyperbole

        G.   Symbolism



SECTION B (40 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section.

2.    Differentiate the following literary terms

a)    Poetry and poem

b)   Poet and persona

c)    Antagonist and protagonist character

d)   Poetic license and climax

e)   Imagery and tone


3.    Why is literature said to be art? Give five points.                                                                                                   


4.    Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follows.


                           I REMEMBER (by Naomi Mnthali (Malawi)


                           I remember, countrymen,

                          The days of Dawn over the land

                          Of hopes and expectations

                          When I truly understood

                          Slavery was a thing of the past

                         We the people of the land

                         Had been freed.

                         I was there when slowly

                         Darkness set in

                         The gradual destruction

                         Was there in front of me

                        But I did not see it

                         I continued countrymen, to live in the past.

                        And when i finally looked

                         It was too late,and even i

                        Had become a scavenger.


a)    What is the poem about?

b)   There is one metaphorical expression in the poem. Mention it. What does it mean?

c)    I was there when slowly darkness set in” what does this statement imply?

d)   What type of poem is this? Give reasons to your answer.

e)   Explain how the poem is relevant to Tanzanian today


5.    In each of the expression (a) – (e) state the function which each one perform in literature

    Eg: when ones reading variety of books of different language, literature develop language

a.    When literature make people to enjoy their society _____________________

b.    Literature can make people to respond positively about what s happening in the society.______________________________________________________

c.    When evils happen in the society, literature does not keep quite.____________

d.    When people are ignorant about something happening in their society such as terrible diseases like HIV/AIDs, then through literature they get to know it. ________________________________________________________________

e.    When they are dangerous things in the society and literature always stops people from doing those things. _____________________________________________




6.    Write the word that describes each of the description in items (a) _ (e).

a)    A place where actions and events are taking place __________.

b)   Alliteration, Assonance and Consonance. _________________

c)    Exposition, Climax and Resolution in drama or play.________

d)   The conversation of three characters. ___________________

e)   Language use, Plot, Setting and characters. _____________


SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section. Question 7 and 8 are compulsory



The lion and the jewel                -Soyinka Wore

The trial of brother Jero                   – Soyinka Wore

The dilemma of a ghost              –Aidoo, A A

The government inspector         - Gogol, N



A walk in the night and other stories- Guma A

House Boy                                        – Oyono Ferdinand

The old man and the madal                - Oyono Ferdnand

The concubine                                  –Amadi Erich




Selected poems                                  - Tanzania institute of Education

Growing up with poetry                       -David Lubadiri



7.    Choose two main characters from two novels and show how they reflect our everyday life situation. Write three points from each novel.


8.    Children as the future generation of a society encounter difficulties. Show how true this statement is by referring to two poems read under this programme. Give three points for each poem. 


9.    Verify how playwrights have shown that betrayal is an evil which hinders changes in our Society referring to two plays.


10. With reference to the play “The Lion and The Jewel” by Wole Soyinka and Trials of Brother Jero by Wole Soyinka from each play analyze three central ideas that are found in each play   and state the reason for choosing those ideas.















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