ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 

TIME 3:00HRS                                   



SECTION A: (40 MARKS) April 2021

Answer all questions in this section.

1.  (a). State the linguistic function of the following expressions

                     i.        HIV kills

                    ii.        I feel I owe you an apology (advising)

                  iii.        Students are strongly advised to use their time wisely

                   iv.        Hurry up! I hate to be late

                    v.        Wow! This is wonderful!

1.          (b). Change the following words into verbs.


i.           Beauty


ii.          Electricity


iii.        Captive


iv.        Strong 


v.        Relief.


  1. (a). Imagine that you have read a book entitled “The 21st Century Soft Skills”  the authors of the book are Majaliwa Samwel and Lupembe Shao. Use APA style to write its reference.

(b). Give examples of five plosive sounds and to each give words which show how the sound occur at the begining,middle and final part of a word.

3.                 (i). With the aid of examples explain the two major linguistic functions of allomorph.

             (ii). Indicate and briefly describe the three types of compounding process, then by using applicable examples show how they are applied.

  1. (a). Give the meaning of the italicized expressions in the following expressions

                     i.        We have to put our shoulders to the wheel in order to succeed.

                    ii.        This year, it is raining cats and dogs here.

                  iii.        The chairperson welcomed Mwajuma to air her views on the topic.

                   iv.        He passed his exams by the skin of teeth

                    v.        I will not tolerate any one who will throw cold water in my plans

(b). Give the discrepancy between facts and opinions by citing two applicable examples for each.



Answer three (3) questions from this section. Question five (5) and six (6) are compulsory.

5.    A successfully interpretation depends on adherence to the principles of interpretation. By using appropriate examples explain how the interpretation principles are applied. (Give eight (8) points).

6.    Give the best definition of human language and show how the six components included in your definition make it complete. Support your answers with vivid examples.

7.    Write a speech of about 300 words, thanking your voters and your opponents after winning election where you emerged as a school head prefect.

8.    Speech and writing are one of the language skills. Use applicable examples to show how they differ. Give eight (08) points.



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